Energy Drink 2 - Blue Majik spirulina chia water

The powerful energy of the richest herbs and mushrooms in nature comes alive in our series of natural energy drinks. They are easy to prepare every morning or in that moment you need to refuel. For an energy boost, vitality, motivation and focus. Delicious, non-addictive and will be the perfect solution for a boost of vitality at all hours of the day.

Energy Drink 2 - Blue Majik Chia Water

4 cups/1 litre filtered water
Juice of one lemon
1 tablespoon of organic chia seeds
½ teaspoon Blue Majik spirulina powder
Optional: a handful of berries, sliced cucumber, fresh mint leaves or sliced citrus fruit.

Add the water to a large pitcher along with the chia seeds, lemon juice and Blue Majik spirulina, mix well for even distribution. Let soak for about 30 minutes. Enjoy with any additional toppings throughout the day. Store the rest of the chia water in the refrigerator.

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